Measure out the 12x12 into the sections on the chart. If you have the Stoke Gallery kit this has been done for you. Cut along the lines to separate the page into 9 pieces.
Repeat with the piece of card from the top right corner. We used a different stencil to give a different look.
The piece from the bottom left corner needs to be stamped, you can use a similar colour to give a soft look, or something with more of a contrast if you want your stamping to be more visible.
The 3 inch square of card from the top row should be inked around the edge and use a fine felt tip to 'stitch' around the edge.
The rectangle from the top row has layers of plain card matted and layered to give a framed effect. You can use 3 or 4 layers, they measure 3 1/2 x 2 1/2 inches, 3 x 2 inches, 2 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches and 2 x 1 inch.
The large centre square is stencilled with oil pastel and a stencil brush. Lay the stencil on the square, you may want to hold it in place with low tack tape. Rub some of the oil pastel onto a plate and swirl the stencil brush round and round in the paint to pick it up on the brush. Stencil the paint over the stencil in a circular motion and you will see the colour transferring to the card. The more you work, the darker the colour will be. Remove the stencil when you have finished.
The piece of card below the stencilled square is going to be painted. If you have the kit and you don't have acrylic paint at home, you can call in and borrow some from the gallery classroom.
Choose 3 colours, or choose 2 and mix them together to create a third, and paint them onto the card in dabs or stripes. I didn't bother to clean my brush between colours so I had more variation in my painted dabs.
Punch or cut shapes from patterned paper and stick them to the piece of card from the bottom right hand corner.
The small piece of card that is left is to be stitched on. Rosemary and I both stitched a lattice design but some of the students made a small cross stitch in each corner which looked just as effective.
Stick the pieces back together using magic tape on the back side of the card. Leave the 2 pieces on the left unstuck for now so that you can punch a row of holes down each side of the gap with a cropadile or small hole punch.
We measured 1/2 an inch in and made marks every inch down the line to mark the position of the holes.
Now you can stick the final pieces together with magic tape and lace through the holes with 75cm of ribbon.
Stick on your photo and you're done!
Again, many thanks to Rosemary for the loan of her page!